In case you were wondering what raising a boy is like

January 25, 2008

“Mom.  MOM.  MOM.”

“Yes, darlin’?”

“Dere’s bad guys.”

“Bad guys?”

“Yes.  Dere is bad guys in da house.”

“Oh no.  What’re you gonna do?  Are you gonna call Spiderman?”

“No.  Me will SHOOT dem.  Wif my big GUN.”

“Oh, okay.  Just don’t get any blood on the carpet.”

“Okay.  Me won’t.”

(Plastic, toy shotgun with “real” sounds:  Bang!  Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!  Bang!  Bang!)

“Me SHOT dem!”

“You did?”

“Yes.  Me shot dem wif my GUN!”  (Pause, then…)  “Oh no!  Is ANUDDER bad guy!”

Bang!  Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!Bang!

“Me got him.”

Merry Christmas, Y’all

December 19, 2007

Just wanted to stop in real quick and wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday season.

I’m still around, just busy with Real Life stuff.  Maybe I’ll blog about it some time.

In the meantime, call the kids to the computer, turn up your speakers, and click here:


May your days, indeed, be merry and bright, and may you find yourself surrounded by those you love this holiday season.

God bless,

Deputy Dad returns this evening from a week out of town…

October 5, 2007

Legs freshly shaved?  Check.

Hair blow-dried and curled (i.e. no ponytail)?  Check, and check.

Makeup on?  Check.

Contacts in (glasses sometimes get in the way in certain…provocative situations)?  Check.

T!ts hoisted heavenward and looking spectacular?  Check, and CHECK.

If you haven’t seen this yet…

August 27, 2007

Here’s your chance:

“I laughed.  I cried.  It moved me.” — LadyBug

Her Mother’s Daughter

May 29, 2007

Drama Queen, mischievously:  Mom, you know what makes you such a great mom?

LadyBug, warily:  What’s that?

DQ, grinning:  A kid like me.

LB, giggling:  You know what makes you full of baloney?

DQ, checkmating:  A mom like you.

The Good, the Bad, and the Stuffy

May 2, 2007

The Good:

Miss Attitude’s neurologist appointment was yesterday.  Without going into a lot of long, drawn-out detail, I’ll just make a long story short and tell you it was good news, all around.  Since the MRIs and VEP came back normal, he really didn’t think we had anything to worry about; the abnormal “protein band” in her spinal fluid, in and of itself, was not a clear indicator of MS…was, in fact, “really nothing to worry about.”  (*insert huge sigh of relief here*)  He also doesn’t think Miss Attitude has papilledema (optic nerve swelling); he thinks it may be pseudopapilledema, in which it just appears swollen, but actually isn’t.  He’s sending her to a pediatric ophthamologist, who will – I assume – confirm or refute the neurologist’s finding.  The headaches, he says, sound like childhood migraines, and for now we’ll just treat them with Tylenol and Motrin unless/until she needs something stronger.

The Bad:

As if all the headache/MRI/optic nerve/spinal tap/neurology crap wasn’t enough, Miss Attitude is currently recovering from yet another round of pneumonia, her third? or fourth, maybe? episode of pneumonia in the last several months.  Her pediatrician has spoken with her pulmonologist, who wants to do another bronchoscopy to try to find out why the poor kid keeps getting pneumonia.  She’ll have that on June 13th, this time under general anesthesia.  (Her last bronchoscopy – two years ago – was done under conscious sedation.)

The Stuffy:

I’ve been fighting what I’m pretty sure is a sinus infection.  It started as a cold – or allergies, or a combination thereof – about three weeks ago, and has steadily continued NOT to improve.  I have neither medical insurance nor the money for a doctor visit or prescriptions, especially in the wake of all of Miss Attitude’s recent doctor visits and prescriptions, so I’ve just waited and waited for things to get better…for my head to stop throbbing and my nose to stop dripping and my sinuses to stop draining and my throat to stop hurting and my cough to stop…erm…coughing; but, alas, my body seems to have chosen not to heal itself, and I finally gave in to Deputy Dad’s demands and let him call his doctor to make me an appointment.  He called to let me know they had scheduled me for 4:00…NEXT Tuesday.  My response?  “Hell, just forget it…I’ll either be better or dead by then!”  Geez.

Recent conversation at the LadyBug house

April 19, 2007

*Caution: American Idol results show SPOILER below!*

[American Idol‘s Wednesday night results show ends.]

LadyBug: Okay, girls, get your medicine and go potty; it’s time for bed!

[The Drama Queen and Miss Attitude leave the room.]

Deputy Dad: Whew.  That’s a relief.

LadyBug: What’s a relief?

Deputy Dad: Sanjaya got kicked off American Idol, and it’s time for [the kids] to go to bed.

LadyBug: So, which one are you more relieved about?


Deputy Dad: Well, right now, I think it’s a tie.

A list, because, really, that’s all I can manage right now

March 26, 2007
  • Talked to the pediatrician last week.  Miss Attitude’s VEP test was normal.  I asked the doc if – since the MRI of her brain and the VEP test were both normal – we had officially ruled out MS.  He said, “No.  It just means she doesn’t have any symptoms of MS right now.”  We see the neurologist May 1st.
  • I continue to be a nervous wreck, in a perpetual state of high-anxiety.  My doc put me on Buspar for anxiety a few weeks ago.  I can’t really tell that it’s helping, but that may be because I’m supposed to take it three times a day and I almost NEVER remember all three doses…which, of course, causes even more anxiety as I fret about missing my medication.
  • I’ve been a terrible blog friend lately, and I apologize for that.  If it’s any consolation at all, I’ve been a terrible Real Life friend, too.  I’ve just been too stressed out and exhausted lately to be much of a friend to anyone.  But my blog friends are never far from my mind and heart.  Love and hugs to you all.


March 14, 2007

We returned home from [Big City] yesterday afternoon, following Miss Attitude’s VEP test yesterday morning.  The test went fine, Miss A did great, the technician said he got a good test (the “technical quality” of the test was good, so they should get good results from it), and we should hear something in 3-5 days.  I’m trying not to worry, but that’s difficult, as you can imagine, especially since Miss A saw the ophthalmologist last week, and he said she still has some swelling on her optic nerve.

The last few days (well, the last few weeks, really) are really taking a toll on me.  I made a flying trip to [larger town an hour away, where we go for doctor appointments and shopping] Sunday afternoon because the pediatrician kindly agreed to see The Drama Queen, whose throat was hurting so badly she was in tears.  Diagnosis: Strep throat.  Of course.

We left for [Big City] Sunday evening, hoping to fit in a little “fun time” before Miss Attitude’s tests Tuesday morning.  We did some shopping and general goofing around on Monday and got back to the hotel late that evening.  I was almost finished bathing SuperBoy when…

*Warning: Skip the next paragraph – or just leave now and return later – if you are currently eating, have just finished eating, or are planning to eat anytime in the near future…*

…he threw up his supper, right there in the bathtub.  He continued to throw up, off and on, all night long.  He and I shared one of the hotel room’s double beds, and every time he moved or made a noise, I would jump and prepare for the next round, and Deputy Dad would jump out of the other double bed to grab more towels and wet wipes.  Needless to say, none of us got much sleep that night.  Thankfully, it seems he just had either a 24-hour bug or had eaten something that didn’t agree with him, because he hasn’t had any tummy troubles since we’ve been home (knock on wood).

So, there you have it.  In three days’ time, we had The Drama Queen with strep throat, SuperBoy throwing up, and Miss Attitude having nerve tests.  We’re all exhausted, the house is a wreck, and I’m swamped at work.  If you’re wondering why I haven’t called/emailed/posted a new blog entry/visited your blog/commented at your blog, just go back and read the previous sentence again.

Thanks for all your supportive comments and emails, and for your prayers and good thoughts.  I do appreciate it, even when I forget to say so.

I know! I’m posting two whole days in a row! Go. Me.

February 23, 2007

I’ve been absent (not blogging much) or semi-absent (reading blogs, but not commenting much) from the blogworld quite a bit lately.  For those of you who don’t know what’s been going on, here’s an excerpt from an email I sent recently (this will also help you “catch up,” if you missed the last few entries):

Miss Attitude started having headaches a few weeks ago.  I knew she’d mentioned them a few times, but I didn’t think too much of it – thought it might be allergies or something – until I ended up having to pick her up from school because her head was hurting so badly.  We saw the pediatrician the next day.  He gave her a very thorough exam, checked her vision, and paid close attention to her eyes.  He then referred us to an ophthalmologist, who found some swelling of her optic nerves.  The ophthalmologist sent Miss A for an MRI of her brain, which came back normal (except for showing a sinus infection, for which she’s on antibiotics now).  The ophthalmologist and the pediatrician were thinking she probably had pseudotumor cerebri, which occurs when the body either produces too much cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or doesn’t absorb the CSF quickly enough; the excess fluid puts pressure on the brain which causes the headaches, optic nerve swelling, and can lead to loss of vision if left untreated.

Unfortunately, the next step in the diagnosis was a lumbar puncture (spinal tap), wherein they would determine the amount of pressure in the CSF.  Miss A had that done in [larger town an hour away, where we go for doctor appointments and shopping] on Thursday, February, 8th.  Her pressure turned out to be in the normal range, and the pediatrician said it was entirely likely the pseudotumor had resolved itself; apparently, that’s not uncommon.  At that point, we were just kind of keeping an eye on things until we returned to the ophthalmologist in a couple of weeks and he could check to see if her optic nerve was still swollen.  Then we’d figure out where to go from there.

So we thought we had pretty good news, and thought everything was getting better…well, except for the fact that Miss A was having severe headaches – even worse than before we started all this, but those headaches were likely due to the spinal tap itself.  Then the pediatrician called Thursday afternoon (2/15) and said one of the tests the lab had done on Miss A’s spinal fluid had come back abnormal.  They found a “protein band” in the CSF that shouldn’t have been there.  The pediatrician said it’s uncommon to find that protein band in the CSF of a child.  It’s usually found in adults, and when they do find it, it’s usually an indicator of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Since MS is a disorder of the nervous system, the next steps for Miss A are nerve tests, another MRI, and an appointment with a neurologist.

She’ll have an MRI of her spine this coming Thursday (2/22) at 9:00 AM in [larger town].

No one in [larger town] does the nerve tests, so we’ll have to go to [Big City, even further away] for that.  Miss A will have an EEG and a VEP (Visually Evoked Potential) test on Tuesday, March 13th at 8:00AM.

The neurologist appointment is tentatively scheduled for May 1st, but the pediatrician’s office is planning to call and reschedule that as soon as Miss A’s tests are done.  Her pediatrician wants her seen within a month.

I won’t lie to you.  I’m scared.  I’m totally freaked out.  I’m trying to hide that from the kids, but I’m a nervous wreck.  I’m eating everything within a 10 foot radius (15 if it’s chocolate), which may not be as bad as binge drinking or doing drugs to handle the stress, but it’s destructive nevertheless.  My depression’s getting worse – I can feel it trying to take over.  All I want to do anymore is curl up in the dark and sleep.  And I’ve developed nervous twitches in my eyes.  Lovely.

And here I am going on and on about me, but it’s my sweet baby girl I’m asking you to pray for and/or send good thoughts/vibes to.  I’m so worried about her.  We didn’t want to scare her, so all we told her was that one of the tests on her spinal fluid came back abnormal, that there was “something” there that wasn’t supposed to be there, and she has to have more tests to find out what’s going on in her body.  I’m just so damned angry that she’s having to go through this.  She’s been through so much already.  I just want to scream to the heavens, “JUST GIVE HER A FUCKING BREAK ALREADY!”  (Please forgive my anxiety-ridden use of the f-word, there.)

Okay, now that you’re caught up, here are a couple of updates:

  • Miss A’s MRI yesterday went well, but it took OVER. TWO. HOURS.  Geez.  Deputy Dad took her for that one (SuperBoy had speech therapy yesterday morning.  I took Miss A for the last MRI, so she decided to let Dad take her this time so she could “show him how it works.”)
  • Miss A’s headaches lasted for about a week after she had the spinal tap.  Then she finally got some relief, and hasn’t had much trouble with headaches at all in the last week.
  • I was surprised to hear from the pediatrician yesterday afternoon at 4:00.  The MRI wasn’t finished until after 11:00 AM, but he already had the results:
    The MRI was NORMAL.  I repeat, NORMAL.  (YIPPEE!)
  • Since the MRI was normal (Normal!  YAY!), the pediatrician says we’ll just keep the May 1st appointment with the neurologist.  We’ll still go March 13th for the nerve tests.

Deputy Dad and I breathed a huge sigh of relief after the pediatrician’s call yesterday.  We’re still a bit worried about what the nerve tests will or won’t show, and where we go from there, but at least we’ve gotten one worry out of the way with one simple word: Normal!

The stress from all of this is definitely taking its toll…mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically…and with all the doctor appointments, tests, missed work, and the gas for all the trips back and forth to [larger town] – not to mention whatever snacks/drinks/meals are necessary during the course of each trip – this situation is definitely taking a financial toll on us, as well.  So imagine my delight when a Mr. Samba Ibrahim emailed me from the African Development Bank and asked for my assistance in “a legitimate arrangement” concerning 25.6 million dollars in unclaimed funds!  He didn’t specify what sort of “personal information” he needs, but he did express a sense of urgency, so I figure I’ll just send him my name, address, phone number, social security number, and a copy of my credit report, complete with credit card and bank account numbers.  That should give him enough info to get me well on my way to my financial windfall, shouldn’t it?