A little o’ this, a little o’ that…

December 1, 2006

Item 1:  Deputy Dad ended up having the kidney stone removed this morning.  The hospital did a CAT scan when he arrived, determined that the stone was still there, then did the procedure to remove it.  The doc also had to put in a stent because of all the swelling.  Father-In-Law drove Deputy Dad to the hospital, since it was 1 1/2 hours away and Deputy Dad had to be there at 7:50 this morning.  I wanted so badly to be there with my sweetheart, but three kids who needed to get ready for and be delivered to school and the babysitter made that pretty much impossible.  I spoke with Father-In-Law about 1/2 an hour ago, and they were headed home.  Deputy Dad is pretty groggy and sore, but at least the stone is gone.
Aaaaand that’s probably all you need to know about my man’s man parts, huh?

Item 2:  I did it!  I finished NaBloPoMo!  I actually posted every single day, for the entire month of November.  I have to admit I’m a bit surprised I made it.  I’m also ever-so-slightly proud of myself.  Just look at my pretty November calendar, with all its dates in blue!  I’ve enjoyed NaBloPoMo, but I have to admit I’m relieved to be off the daily posting hook.  I do want to post more frequently, but I just don’t need the pressure of posting every. single. day.

Item 3:  I forget Item 3.

 Okay!  It’s Friday, everyone!  Have a great weekend.